CMEP Bulletin: UNSC Resolution: Unilateral or Pro-Peace?
As Palestinians Head Back to the UN, Cause for Concern in Israel [Times of Israel]
Upcoming Security Council resolution is projected to easily win the votes it needs — and this time a US veto is far from assured.
US ‘Shuts Door’ on Speculation over UN Resolution Support [Jerusalem Post]
The United Sates remains opposed to one-sided action on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the United Nations Security Council, the State Department said on Tuesday, faced with questions on its stance over two fresh initiatives.
Israel’s Unsung Protector: Obama [New York Times]
If President Obama supports a Security Council resolution, he will not be betraying Israel. He will be Israel’s true friend. And he will walk in the footsteps of all eight other presidents since 1967, Democrat and Republican alike.
Palestinians Say Push for U.N. Rebuke of Israel Settlements Aimed at Peace [Reuters]
A renewed Palestinian drive to persuade the U.N. Security Council to condemn Israeli settlements is aimed at removing the biggest obstacle to peace and boosting French efforts to broker an agreement, the Palestinian U.N. envoy said on Tuesday.
Watchdog: Israeli Approval for Settler Units More Than Doubles in 2016 [Ma’an]
Israel has advanced plans for 250 percent more settler homes in the first quarter of 2016 than it did in the same period last year, Israeli settlement watchdog Peace Now said Tuesday.