Congo Week
October 13-19, 2024

Congo Week is an opportunity to raise awareness about the devastating legacy of conflict in the Congo and mobilize support on behalf of the people of the Congo.
Paul wrote in I Corinthians 12:26, “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.” Global Ministries, as a member of the Body of Christ, suffers today because of injustice and exploitation of our siblings in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

We are committed as members of the Body of Christ to break the silence, stop the pillaging, promote justice, defend women and children, protect the environment, and support Congo.
During Congo Week, Global Ministries will share resources for advocacy and awareness on the website, social media, and via email.
Worship Materials for Congo Week
What Can I Do?
- Congo Week 2024 Resources
- The CDCC on the Front of Deforestation (English)
- The CDCC on the Front of Deforestation (French)
- Congo Week 2023 Cooking Videos by Rev. Dr. Brigitte Eale
- Impacts of Climate Change on Women and Children in Mbandaka
- Congo Week 2022 Resources
- Congo Week 2021 Resources
- Congo Week 2020 Resources
- WCC Zacchaeus Tax Justice Campaign
- Read Advocacy Contexto: The Mapping Project and the Nobel Laureate
- Read the 2011 UCC Resolution and Disciples Resolution calling for “Reflection and Advocacy on Behalf of the Congo”
- Congo Fact Sheet
- Congo Reading List
- Kids to Kids “Journey to Congo” Curriculum
- Dig deeper with the Congo Week Resource Guide
- Make a gift! Global Ministries partners in Congo are responding to and adversely affected by the pandemic in various ways. Support how the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo responds through the Health Priority Project and the Women’s Microcredit and Savings Project.
- Participate in The Cell Out digital fast to raise awareness about the violence caused by mineral mining in the Congo. The Cell Out is a cell phone/electronics boycott held from Noon – 1 pm on the Wednesday of Congo Week. It is designed to call attention to the use of rare minerals such as coltan in our electronic devices. The international sale of these minerals helps finance the continuing conflict in the region. Learn more about the minerals mined in Congo.
- What can I say in my “Cell Out” voicemail/social media message?
“Today from noon – 1:00 pm is the Congo Week “Cell Out.” I am turning off my cell phone/electronic devices and sharing this message to call attention to the violent conflict over the Congo’s valuable natural resources. Rare minerals like coltan are used in electronic devices and the international sale of these minerals can finance the continuing conflict in the region. To learn more and take action visit:”
- What can I say in my “Cell Out” voicemail/social media message?