Creation Care Resource Recommendations from Global Ministries Office Staff

Creation Care Resource Recommendations from Global Ministries Office Staff

Looking for some resources and ideas to engage in climate justice and creation care? The Global Ministries home-based staff are excited to share some recommendations!

(Note: These are recommendations from individual staff members and do not speak for Global Ministries as an organization.)

Family-Friendly Movies

  • Wall-E – A Pixar animated film recommended by Marcy Gansler, Program Manager for Mission Education and Communications.
  • Moana – A wonderful Disney movie recommended by many members of the staff.
  • Finding Nemo – Recommended by Bethany Guy, Program Manager for Mission Education and Communications, who shares, “While not about creation care explicitly, I loved this movie and it really helped me to understand the value in caring for The Great Barrier Reef.”

Children’s Books

  • We Are Water Protectors by Carole Lindstrom This was recommended by a few parents on our staff, but Jake Brooks. Program Associate for Resource Development, writes, “I love this children’s book because it tells a story of Indigenous activism that honors and celebrates Indigenous communities’ contributions to society. I also love that it gives language parents can use with their children, such as referring to Indigenous activists as Water Protectors. It’s a simple way to instill a sense of concern for the environment and respect for the Indigenous tribes who are fighting for all our rights.”
  • Earthdance by Joanne Ryder – “One of my favorite kids books!” says Marcy Gansler, Program Manager for Mission Education and Communications.
  • The Lorax by Dr. Seuss – Recommended by several Global Ministries staff members.
  • The Earth Book by Todd Parr – Marcy Gansler, Program Manager for Mission Education and Communications shares, “My son and I love Todd Parr books.”




  • Don’t Look Up – This is a Netflix original movie recommended by Marcy Gansler, Program Manager for Mission Education and Communications. She writes, “I LOOOVED this movie as it shows how politics, humanity, and the environment intertwine to make a giant, unfixable mess.”

Podcasts and Webinars

Social Media

  • Shelbizleee YouTube Channel – Fiyori Kidane, People-to-People Pilgrimage Coordinator, recommends this resource and shares, “Shelby is a creator that focuses on testing out and explaining sustainable swaps that people can make in their homes and every day lives.”
  • Interfaith Power and Light Instagram Account – Our Global Ministries Instagram account follows Interfaith Power and Light for faith-based eco justice content.

Cool Ideas

  • Do the 100-day challenge from wool& or wool&prince – Recommended by Bethany Guy, Mission Education and Communications Program Manager. She says, “I did the 100-day challenge in 2021 and it was life-changing! Wool is an amazing fabric, and it was a great opportunity to explore alternatives to fast-fashion – a huge eco-justice issue.”
  • Give a gift to address climate change – Supporting global partners working to address climate change and care for creation is always recommended by our staff.