DOM President to Retire in August 2011

DOM President to Retire in August 2011


From:  Linda McCrae, Chair, Board of Directors of the Division of Overseas Ministries

The Division of Overseas Ministries (DOM) of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) shares the news that David A. Vargas, President, has announced his intention to retire effective August 1, 2011.  In a letter to the DOM board, Vargas wrote, “I certainly thank God…for my 27 years with DOM/Global Ministries, especially for the blessing of being part of the sacred project of ‘meeting God’s people and creation at the point of deepest need.’  Being part of this project continues to be the greatest joy of my life and one from which I will never resign as long as I live.”

In preparation for the transition, the Board has appointed a seven-member Executive Search Committee chaired by the Rev. Don Gillett of Lexington, Kentucky.  In addition to board members, the Committee includes a representative of the General Minister and President and a congregational pastor.  It includes as well a representative of the Board of Wider Church Ministries of the United Church of Christ, DOM’s partner in Global Ministries.

The Board also approved the use of the Executive Search Model as the guideline for its search process, as recommended by the General Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

More information about the search process will be shared as it is available.