EAPPI News October-November 2009
This edition of the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI)’s newsletter covers two eventful months in Israeli-Palestinian politics. As the Obama administration backed off pressuring Israel into real concessions on settlement construction, Palestinian frustration with 42 years of occupation manifested itself in a withdrawal from talks and a proposal to unilaterally declare Palestinian independence through the United Nations.
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This edition of the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI)’s newsletter covers two eventful months in Israeli-Palestinian politics. As the Obama administration backed off pressuring Israel into real concessions on settlement construction, Palestinian frustration with 42 years of occupation manifested itself in a withdrawal from talks and a proposal to unilaterally declare Palestinian independence through the United Nations.
EAPPI podcast, blogs and photo galleries
In the West Bank, the occupation continued to take its toll on lives and livelihoods. In our first ever podcast EAPPI we tell the story of the Palestinian families in East Jerusalem being forced out of their homes to make way for Israeli settlers. Listen here…
In our first blog for ThomsonReuters Alertnet, we look at how water is used as a weapon against Bedouins in the South Hebron hills, intensifying the effects of a long-running drought. Read it here…
In photos, we show how Israeli peace activists are struggling to change their government’s policies.
And as always, we have plenty of Eyewitness reports from Ecumenical Accompaniers in the West Bank. See below for our editor’s selection or click here to view the most recent posts.
New group, new participating country & a new website
October-November was an eventful period for EAPPI. In October we welcomed Group 33 of Ecumenical Accompaniers including the first from Brazil, a country with growing global influence.
We are delighted to announce that our Christmas present came early this year: our website www.eappi.org has had a full overhaul. To stay up to date with new posts you can also follow us on Twitter or join the EAPPI Facebook group.
UN, WCC and peace activists push for justice
- The first Sunday of advent coincided with the UN’s International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on Sunday 29th November. Read more…
The UN day followed UN General Secretary Ban Ki Moon’s condemnation of Israeli policies in East Jerusalem, which include demolishing Palestinian houses and evicting whole families to make way for Israeli settlers.
Israeli peace groups have been showing their solidarity with the families evicted from their houses in the Sheikh Jarrah area, regularly demonstrating in the area with Palestinians and international activists, closely guarded by armed police officers and soldiers. Click here to see a slide show of pictures from a November demonstration, or listen to our podcast here.
The World Council of Churches (WCC), EAPPI’s umbrella organisation, has called for its partner churches to mobilize against Israel’s approval of 900 new housing units in the Gilo settlement on Palestinian land in East Jerusalem. Read more…
The (WCC) also asked the United Nations secretary-general to ensure that the Goldstone report on possible war crimes in Gaza at the beginning of 2009 is properly followed up. Read more…
Prayers and Wishes for Advent and Christmas in Bethlehem 2009
Christmas celebrations this year will take place in a difficult climate for people in the Holy Land. As we prepare to celebrate Advent and Christmas in the security of our homes and communities, let us pray and work together for justice, peace and security for Israel and Palestine.
During the season of advent, you may consider using these liturgical resources from the World Council of Churches or Churches for Middle East Peace.
Latest Eyewitness reports from the West Bank
In the past two months we have published a series of new Eyewitness reports from Ecumenical Accompaniers on the ground. Here is the editor’s selection – click on the titles to read more: A colourful cry for freedom
The walls of Nisreen Al Azzeh’s house are covered with paintings. From a distance they look like happy, fairy-tale worlds. But close up, they illustrate a violent conflict – scenes inspired by real life. “My friend, it was bad…” – an Israeli soldier talks about life in the army
EAs have daily encounters with Palestinians traumatized by the occupation. But conversations with Israeli soldiers reveal how government policy also damages their society. Beautiful views, shame about the neighbours
Nahla Mahoud and her family enjoy fantastic views from their house in the West Bank. But the price is fear of attacks by violent Israeli settlers. Permanent Impermanence in Izbat At Tabib
The Mayor of Izbat At Tabib is proud of his achievements. But his whole village, from the largest house to the bus stop, could soon be demolished. Also available in Spanish.
EAPPI urges you to pray for peace in the Holy Land and invites all those who believe in justice and human rights to support EAPPI’s efforts to that end. Click here to find out how you can support our work.
The staff of EAPPI in Jerusalem and Geneva, along with the 33rd group of Ecumenical Accompaniers, wish you and your loved ones a happy and blessed Christmas.