Global Ministries projects focusing on Environmental protection and Climate Change
Addressing Climate Change
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Efforts for the caring of creation continue to evolve with natural disasters and shifting weather patterns. The negative impacts of climate change disrupt and damage the natural world, reduce resources, and threaten food security. Global Ministries partners are taking action to care for creation.
Global Ministries partners address climate change in multi-faceted, holistic approaches. These approaches include programs to raise awareness on the effects of climate change, training farmers on methods to produce agriculture with less water, planting trees, and supporting climate refugees who are leaving home because of rising sea waters.
Luci Solar Lights for multiple global partners (the delivery of Luci Solar Lights to international partners is on hold until staff travel resumes) |
Tree for Life of the Organization of African Instituted Churches in Kenya |
Nutrition Gardens and Fishery project of Christian Care Zimbabwe |
Showers of Blessing (Water project) in Zimbabwe |
Farm Food Security Program of the United Church of Christ in Zimbabawe |
Green Church Project of the Theological Education by Extension College of Zambia |
East Asia and the Pacific
Pacific Conference of Churches in Fiji |
Asian Rural Institute in Japan |
Latin America & the Caribbean
Environmental Projects of the Christian Mission Church of Nicaragua |
Amaneser 2025 in Puerto Rico |
Middle East and Europe
Keep Hope Alive! Olive Tree Planting Campaign of the YWCA of Palestine and YMCA of East Jerusalem |
Water Project of the Department of Service for Palestinian Refugees |
Solar Panels for UAECNE Ministries of the Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches of the Near East |
Priority Projects (Food Security and Water) of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS) in Egypt |
Southern Asia
Enhancing Climate Change Resilience of the Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh |
Lisadila School (Agricultural training project) of the Protestant Churches of East Timor |