Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem August 2011 newsletter
Peace to you in the name of the Lord
Greetings from Bishop Suheil Dawani
Dear Friends,
The theme of our work and the mission of our Diocese is ‘faith in action’, we continue serving the needs of the most needy and vulnerable in our communities; as we believe that actions speak louder than words.
Work continues on the two healthcare projects in the West Bank, as construction is almost done at the Anglican Diabetes Clinic, and the new ventilator at St. Luke’s Hospital has been installed and is now functioning. We are very grateful for the support we have received so far.
Allow me to take this opportunity to thank you all for your faithful support of the Diocese and its work.
+ Suheil Dawani
Click here to continue reading this newsletter, including the following items:
- Bishop hosts farewell reception for Edmunds
- St. Andrew’s clinic, Ramallah
- New equipment for St. Luke’s Hospital
- Bishop hosts “Kids for Peace” iftar
- Regional clergy meeting
- South India Bishops visit to St. George’s Cathedral
- Zababdeh summer camp
- Bishop Dawani hosts iftar
- Bishop Dawani visits diocesan camp
- Bishop lays foundation stone for school in Jordan
- New academic year at diocesan school in Amman
- Jordan: Finance and Standing Committee meeting
- Jordan: Ramadan iftar at Schneller School