Fall 2020 Update From Latin American Biblical University (UBL)
The Latin American Biblical University (UBL) in Costa Rica is a leading center for theological education across the Latin America and the Caribbean. Founded in 1923, UBL carries out its mission of providing opportunities for theological education within 14 countries spanning two continents. Since their founding, UBL has continued to carry out its unique work while also empowering social movements and working in communities to build peaceful and just societies, all informed from perspectives of faith and praxis.
In recent years, UBL has provided scholarship support for nearly 50 students from 10 countries to work toward bachelor’s degrees in Theological and Biblical Studies. One area where UBL is working to improve is their ability to serve students is by offering support to complete their degrees. To offer flexibility for students in how they complete their degree, UBL is experimenting with a combination of virtual and in-person classes to meet the needs of all students. With these changes, UBL has seen an increase in enrollment. With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing, multiple course options and teaching styles have become even more important for the safety of the UBL community around the world.
With an uncertain future, UBL is committed to offering diverse and informed educational opportunities in theology and biblical studies. With UBL’s ability to provide scholarships and new teaching methods, UBL is excited to continue its work in the years to come.
To read more about the Latin American Biblical University click here.