Empowering Women
“So God created humankind in God’s image, in the image of God they were created; male and female God created them.” Genesis 1:27
Special Calendar Dates
- January 11 is Human Trafficking Awareness Day
- March 8 is International Women’s Day
- October 11 is International Day of the Girl Child
- November 25 is International Day of the Elimination of Violence Against Women
When we talk about empowered women and girls, we aren’t just talking about more income for the family, we are talking about a world where women are less likely to be abused, more likely to be educated, and more likely to have control over their reproductive choices. This enables them to not only advocate for more just policies from their governments, but also in their own families. Education and work opportunities can make a profound difference in changing the role of women in their communities.
Addressing early childhood development through nutrition, education and basic health care is the most effective strategy for improving broader social development and the well-being of women and girls in particular. Supporting women and girls is the most important factor in building healthy communities and a stable global community.
Through Global Ministries, the relief and development programs of One Great Hour of Sharing and Week of Compassion, the United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) reach families around the world in need of vital food, nutrition and healthcare assistance.
- Global Ministries Projects that Empower Women
- Global Ministries Resources on Human Trafficking
- Disciples Women
- UCC Women
Poverty and Economic Development
- Women and the Sustainable Development Goals
- 1000 Days Campaign
- Bread for the World
- Church World Service
War and Peacemaking
Ending Violence Against Women
- We Will Speak Out: Faith Communities Uniting to End Sexual Violence
- 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign (Rutgers Univ. Center for Women’s Global Leadership)
- National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Against Women
- UN Women: Virtual Knowledge Center to End Violence Against Women and Girls
Women’s Rights and Global Leadership
Rooted in Faith and Justice: Palestinian Women in the Struggle
Thursday March 13, 2025, 12-1pm Eastern Women have played a critical role in the struggle for…
Read MoreAACC’s Statement on Condemnation of The Rising Femicide and GBV Cases in Africa
This article was originally shared here. Global Ministries cares deeply about the Thursdays in…
Read MoreWCC INTERVIEW: Women in Lebanon: “Stop the Madness of War, Lebanon deserves to live!”
In the midst of the devastating war sweeping Lebanon, killing and displacing its people, the…
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