Mission Co-worker Connections
The Mission Co-worker Relationships program office seeks to connect Global Ministries mission co-worker to congregations in UCC Conferences and Disciples Regions for mutual sharing and global mission education and involvement. We do this by establishing Mission Co-worker Relationships with Conferences and Regions (as well as individual congregations), arranging missionary visits in Conferences and Regions for extended periods of time, and sharing written missionary resources.
The Mission Co-worker Relationships program office seeks to connect Global Ministries missionaries to congregations in UCC Conferences and Disciples Regions for mutual sharing and global mission education and involvement. We do this by establishing Mission Co-worker Relationships with Conferences and Regions (as well as individual congregations), arranging mission co-worker visits in Conferences and Regions for extended periods of time, and sharing written mission co-worker resources.
Missionary Relationships Program Office Staff
Missionary Relationship Program in UCC Conferences and Disciples Regions
List of Missionary Relationships in UCC Conferences
List of Missionary Relationships in Disciples Regions
Planning a Missionary Visit in your UCC Conference or Disciples Region
Conference/Region Evaluation of Missionary Speaker [PDF]
Conference/Region Evaluation of Missionary Speaker [Word]
Planning a Missionary Visit in your Congregation
Church Evaluation of Missionary Speaker [PDF]
Church Evaluation of Missionary Speaker [Word]
List of Missionary Visits in UCC Conferences and Disciples Regions
Missionary Relationships
Each Global Ministries missionary is connected to at least one (and not more than three) UCC Conferences/Disciples Regions for the purpose of establishing an on-going two-way connection while the missionary is serving overseas. The missionary seeks to engage the congregations of the Conference/Region in global mission education and involvement. And the congregations grow in their ability to link local ministry to global ministry and be global mission churches. The Conference/Region will then receive an extended visit from their missionary at the end of his/her term of service. To read more about the Missionary Relationship Program in UCC Conferences and Disciples Regions click on the link.
To find out which missionary(ies) are in relationship with your UCC Conference click here
To find out which missionary(ies) are in relationship with your Disciples Region click here
Missionary visits
Each Global Ministries missionary serves not only in another country, but also returns to serve in the US and Canada at the end of his/her term of service. Typically, a missionary who serves four years spends six months on home assignment. During home assignment missionaries are scheduled for four months of interpretation in specific UCC Conferences and Disciples Regions where they have Missionary Relationships. Usually these visits are scheduled 9-6 months in advance. Please be in touch with your Region or Conference office about your congregation’s interest in hosting a missionary the next time a missionary is scheduled to be in your area. Should a Disciple and UCC congregation plan a special mission event, The Missionary Relationships Program office will try to provide a former Global Ministries missionary or volunteer as a mission speaker.
Click here to view which missionaries are scheduled to visit your UCC Conference or Disciples Region.
If you are a member of the UCC Conference/Disciples Region committee responsible for coordinating an upcoming missionary visit click here for a document that will share 10 steps to planning a successful missionary visit in your Conference/Region.
If you are a member of a local congregation interested in requesting or receiving a missionary visit while a missionary is in your UCC Conference/Disciples Region please click here.
Missionary Resources
There are always new resources to read on the Missionary Stories and Letters page. You’ll find worship resources, missionary photos, faith journey statements, and mission moments. Select a missionary letter the next time you prepare for worship, bible study or a prayer group. Click
here for more ideas on using missionary letters.