Endowment to Support Young Adults in Mission
Global Ministries is committed to offering opportunities for young adults from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ (UCC) to engage in the work of the global church. As Global Mission Interns, long and short-term volunteers, and through advocacy, education, and travel experiences, young adults connect with sisters and brothers around the world in sharing their hopes, their realities, and their faith. For generations, young adults in UCC and Disciple churches have expanded their views of the world through connection with Global Ministries and its predecessor mission bodies. These experiences have informed not only how they see the rest of the world but how they see themselves and how they live out their faith in service and ministry with others. Connection with the global church is a means to exploring both vocation and avocation.
Becoming a GMI was a life changing experience. Along the way, my faith grew as I had to open myself up to discovering what parts of my faith were affected by my own culture, and how to open myself up to worshipping not only in other languages but with a spirit of unity, when traditions were different than my own. I went to South Africa ready to serve, but did not anticipate how so many young lives would affect my own. One of the greatest lessons I learned is missions is far more than serving. It is walking together being open to sharing in life’s great and challenging moments.
– former Global Mission Intern
Today, Global Ministries seeks to be faithful to this history and to build on this legacy as it moves into the future. To ensure that young adults continue to have opportunities to connect with the global church, Division of Overseas Ministries/Global Ministries, together with notable generous donors, established the Young Adults Engaged in Mission Endowment Fund in 2012. This Fund provides a chance for all to contribute to future opportunities for young adults in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ to engage in global mission. Distributions from the Young Adults Engaged in Mission Endowment Fund are used to support opportunities with UCC and Disciple young adults including but not limited to Global Mission Intern positions, short and long-term volunteer assistance for young adults, travel opportunities for young adults, and young adult participation in events related to Global Ministries advocacy efforts.
The Fund’s principal is held as a permanent fund of the Disciples Overseas Ministries (DOM), and is invested and allocated according to the policies that govern DOM’s endowment funds. Gifts to the Fund’s principal may be made online or by check written to Disciples Overseas Ministries and sent to:
Global Ministries
P.O. Box 1986
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1986
Please include the designation Young Adult Endowment on the check memo line, in an accompanying note, or in the Project/Partner box if giving online
Questions regarding the Young Adults Engaged in Mission Endowment Fund are welcome. Please contact the Global Ministries Resource Development Office at 317-713-2555 or gifts@dom.disciples.org.