Global Ministries joins letter to Senate leaders to stop illegal airstrikes in Yemen

Global Ministries joins letter to Senate leaders to stop illegal airstrikes in Yemen

Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ is among 53 U.S. organizations that have sent a letter to Senators Tim Kaine (D-VA), Todd Young (R-IN), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Mike Lee (R-UT), urging them to introduce a Yemen War Powers Resolution. A War Powers Resolution would withdraw U.S. participation in hostilities in Yemen. In the letter, these organizations call for Congress’s attention to the unconstitutional, ineffective airstrikes that have exacerbated the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. 

The letter highlights the Biden administration’s lack of congressional authorization for the airstrikes in Yemen and their failure to achieve strategic objectives, as evidenced by ongoing Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. Officials like Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence, have acknowledged the airstrikes’ ineffectiveness in deterring Houthi attacks. On the contrary, the Houthis’ capability to disrupt commercial traffic has become more effective. The airstrikes have only inflicted more suffering on the people of Yemen. 

Congress’s constitutional authority over war and military actions is non-partisan, as recognized by signatory organizations spanning the ideological spectrum. The letter calls on senators to set aside any partisan allegiances in order to defend the Constitution. In response to an unaccountable military campaign, the organizations write that Congress must lead the effort to find a diplomatic solution to spare the region from further lives lost and economic damages. 

The full text of the letter follows: