Letter from Global Ministries to Council of Christian Churches in Angola

Letter from Global Ministries to Council of Christian Churches in Angola

To Rev Luis Nguimbi
General Secretary
Council of Christian Churches in Angola
Luanda, Angola

Dear Rev Nguimbi,

As we follow the news from our beloved African continent, we have heard with much distress that there is a cargo shipment of arms destined for Zimbabwe still at sea.  First speculations were that the ship would dock at a port in Angola after being refused permission to dock in South Africa.  However, we have since learned that Mr Filomeno Mendonca, the Director of the Instititue of Angolan Ports, issued a statement that the ship does not have authorisation to enter Angola and therefore will not be assisted by Angolan autorities. 

As global partners with CICA, we have no intention of suggesting what other governments should or should not do.  As Christians, however, we are deeply concerned about the situation in Zimbabwe where other global partners are suffering. 

The results of an election that occurred several weeks ago have not been announced to date.  And yet, immediately following the elections, there were reports that arms were being ordered from China.   The genocide that occurred in Rwanda is still very vivid in the minds of many people.  This happened as the world stood by and watched.  It happened because no one spoke out when there was a build up of arms within the country and the western world made a huge profit from the sale while thousands died. 

I write to urge you, as General Secretary of the  Council of Christian Churches  in Angola, to invite churches in Angola to urge the Angolan government not to allow the ship to dock at its ports.  We urge you to invite churches to stand in solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe during this very difficult and complex crisis. The voices of churches in Angola are very powerful and we express deep gratitude to you for the way you have made those voices heard over the years. 

We pray that you will be strong in your work as you continue to do God’s will to lead God’s people.

Rev Sandra R. Gourdet
Africa Office Executive
Global Ministries