Mediterranean Hope Newsletter: July-August 2021

Refugees, new protocol for a thousand more arrivals with humanitarian corridors from Lebanon – A new protocol was signed today between the Community of Sant’Egidio, the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), the Tavola Valdese (Waldensian Board) and the Ministries of Interior and Foreign Affairs granting another thousand refugees currently hosted in Lebanon entry into Italy through humanitarian corridors. Read more….
Temptation Island – It is all too easy to talk about Lampedusa just in terms of the hordes of people who disembark there, their nationalities, and some of their “anecdotal stories”. Read more…
The plane and the boat – The “Lo sguardo dalle frontiere” (A Look from the Border) editorial is written by the operators of Mediterranean Hope (MH), the project promoted by the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI). This week’s “Look” comes from Lampedusa and was written by volunteer Miriam Bovi. Read more…
Beirut, one year later – by Silvia Turati – A year on, and Beirut’s wounds are still gaping. Fragments of glass still pepper the inside of homes, the townscape is marked by the debris of destroyed houses, and buildings are either dilapidated and no longer accessible. Read more…