Mediterranean Hope – Newsletter July 2016
Dreaming of flying–from Carla Aday, pastor from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the USA, volunteer within MH – Lampedusa
Her courageous spirit, her keen mind and her tender compassion give me hope for the world. How dare we stand in her way of following these dreams. I ask her, if she had one message about this journey that the world should know, what would that be. “This trip is too dangerous. People should not do it. They should fly.” I vote that J should be the pilot! Read more…
A day at the Casa delle Culture (House of Cultures)–Ivana De Stasi, volunteer at the Casa delle culture of Scicli – NEV
“Granpa, mangiaria!” It is 9.30 in the morning, breakfast time has passed, but Kebba arrives late and wants a Nutella sandwich which the other boys have already eaten calmly earlier in the morning. Thus begins a new day at the Casa delle Culture of Scicli. The boys wake up with a struggle, and there is always someone who remains in bed. Gerardo, who the boys now call “Grandpa”, goes up the three flights of stairs and enters the apartments while some boys walk sleepily along the corridors and bathrooms. Read more…
The humanitarian corridors pilot project presented to the European Parliament in Brussels–NEV
“Our ecumenical project of “humanitarian corridors” in Europe has received a truly positive and encouraging welcome,” said Paolo Naso, who was in Brussels on June 28th representing the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) in a meeting at the European Parliament, aimed at expanding to other European countries the “good practice” already implemented successfully in Italy. According to the Vice President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, who also attended the meeting, this initiative deserves international support. Read more…
Migrants: A Silent Massacre. The Reasons for Increased Deaths at Sea–Redattore Sociale
According to the IOM in the first six months of 2016 the number of victims has already reached 3,000 units. This is because traffickers returned to use old broken-down fishing boats. Increasing is the number of departures from Egypt. Concerning Italy, it is no an emergency in numbers but it is a humanitarian emergency as the number of arrivals is always the same but compared to the past the number of victims has increased. Read more…
Rape and Torture: Libyan Trafficking Hell–Globalist
Stories of ordinary violence that should not go unnoticed. Unfortunately, among daily horrors, these events end up forgotten. Amnesty International has collected testimonies of chilling sexual violence, killings, torture and religious persecution, which confirm the shocking size of the abuse that immigrants and refugees suffer when relying on smugglers on the way to Libya and within this country territory. The Human Rights Organisation interviewed about ninety migrants and refugees from the reception centres of Puglia and Sicily. These people who reached Italy from Libya months ago, have denounced abuses by traffickers, armed groups and criminal gangs. Read more…
Disturbing The Establishment–Gennaro Avallone – Il Manifesto
This is the sociological and political truth that Abdelmalek Sayad has discovered in his long, deep and irreplaceable research about migrants and migration. The fact that “the migratory phenomena constitute the unconscious of the State,” a repression that generates it and it constantly feeds, assembling his real reason for existence. And, this discovery has revealed a theoretical State, urging the unprecedented attention also for what concerns the studies about the political thinking. Read more…