1971 General Synod Resolution: The Middle East
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1971 Eighth General Synod
The Middle East: goal and objectives
71-GS-43 VOTED: The Eighth General Synod adopts the following goal and objectives under the title, “The Middle East,” for the priority, “Peace and United States Power.”
Goal. To have members of the United Church of Christ understand the needs and aspirations of the Israeli and Arab, particularly Palestinian, peoples, and the issues that divide them, to be sympathetic to all sides and to assist in the achievement of a negotiated peace.
Objective 1. To establish procedures throughout the United Church to help members understand the history of The Middle East and the causes and forces that dominate the area and to develop public support for United Nations, and United States government action that will safeguard the aspirations and interests of the people directly affected by The Middle East conflict.
Objective 2. To continue present support for programs of relief and rehabilitation for Arab refugees in co-operation with sister churches in The Middle East and to respond to the call of those churches for a program of information and interpretation concerning the cause of the refugee problem.
Objective 3. To support those policies of the United States Government which decrease the element of great power rivalry or conflict in The Middle East, recognizing at the same time that all the great powers consider that they have legitimate national interests in the area stemming from a variety of factors: geographic, strategic, and economic.