Message from the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation
LaMarco Cable attended the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation organized by the World Council of Churches in Kingston, Jamaica May 17-25, 2011 on behalf of Global Ministries and Week of Compassion. Here is the final message that the participants approved at the conclusion of the gathering:
We understand peace and peacemaking as an indispensable part of our common faith. Peace is inextricably related to the love, justice and freedom that God has granted to all human beings through Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit as a gift and vocation. It constitutes a pattern of life that reflects human participation in God’s love for the world. The dynamic nature of peace as gift and vocation does not deny the existence of tensions, which form an intrinsic element of human relationships, but can alleviate their destructive force by bringing justice and reconciliation.
God blesses the peacemakers. Member churches of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and other Christians are united, as never before, in seeking the means to address violence and to reject war in favor of “Just Peace” – the establishment of peace with justice through a common response to God’s calling. Just Peace invites us to join in a common journey and to commit ourselves to building a culture of peace.
To read the entire statement, click here: