Missionary in Residence Awarded Fellowship!
Global Ministries celebrates with Missionary in Residence Manelisi Victor Nhliziyo who was recently awarded a Greater Research Opportunities Fellowship through the Environmental Protection Agency. Manelisi is originally from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and a member of the United Congregational Church of Southern Africa, a Global Ministries partner. He is a junior biology major at Tuskegee University in Alabamahl. For the full story, click here!
Global Ministries celebrates with Missionary in Residence Manelisi Victor Nhliziyo who was recently awarded a Greater Research Opportunities Fellowship through the Environmental Protection Agency. Manelisi is originally from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and a member of the United Congregational Church of Southern Africa, a Global Ministries partner. He is a junior biology major at Tuskegee University in Alabama. For the full story, click here!