Mission LIVE! Global Ministries Webinars
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Global Ministries Webinars are now located on our CALENDAR OF EVENTS page at:
What’s a webinar? It’s a way to view a PowerPoint presentation through the internet. You see the presenter in a video box. You hear his/her voice as he/she walks through the PowerPoint presentation. You can ask questions at the end of the presentation through a chat window. It’s an incredible multi-media resource that brings our GM missionaries and partners to your computer!
Watch the webinar in the comfort of your home. Invite a few friends and have a Mission Live party! If a classroom or sanctuary in your congregation is equipped with high-speed internet and an LCD projector, you can get your mission committee together or whole congregation to see what your Disciples and UCC mission dollars are doing. What a great way to put a face on the mission we are doing around the globe! Make plans today to view an upcoming webinar!