
Institute DIAN/Interfidei was established on December 20, 1991 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, notarized under document no. 38 (de jure). It was publicly launched as an institution (de facto) on August 10, 1992. The founders of the Institute are the late Th. Sumartana, Ph.D., the late Rev. Eka Darmaputera, Ph.D., Daniel Dhakidae, Ph.D., the late Zulkifly Lubis, and Djohan Effendi, Ph.D.

Institut Dialog Antariman di Indonesia or Institute for Interfaith Institute’s mission is:

  • To nurture a religious point of view that supports pluralism and dialogue
  • To develop dialogue and solid cooperation among faiths
  • To support processes of religious transformation as a way to solve humanitarian concerns, namely justice, peace, and the integrity of all creation, without violence

Religions and faiths are significant and powerful elements in the hearts of the Indonesian people. The question is how to make religious pluralism an effective instrument in solving social and humanitarian problems in Indonesia. Religions and faiths in Indonesia should be shared resources in fostering justice, peace, and the integrity of all creation in Indonesia, and the world, without violence. For further information, please see our website.

The Institute represents no specific religion or faith and has no branch offices. It engages with every single faith among the Indonesian people, including indigenous faiths of the tribes from the eastern end of Indonesia, Merauke, to the western end, Sabang. The Institute is a forum that embraces and fosters all faith backgrounds, both conceptually and practically, which grow from the discourse of pluralism. It also provides space for people to discuss their experiences of diversities to later take initiatives. The Institute works for all humanity on the grounds of justice, peace, and the integrity of creation.

The Institute extends its programs over all parts of the archipelago by promoting collaboration among its networking groups. The Institute programs include education, research, publication, library facilities, and networking. For more details about our activities, please see our website.

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  • 100% of your gift will be directed to Interfidei
  • You will receive updates on the work in this area as they become available
  • Share in the vision of God’s abundant life for all people

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