Christian Church Disciples of Christ in Paraguay

Iglesia Cristiana Discípulos de Cristo en Paraguay


Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Paraguay shares video update on COVID-19

The Christian Church Disciples of Christ in Paraguay is in Asuncion, Coronel Oviedo/Cruce Internacional, Arroyos y Esteros, and Ciudad del Este, near the border with Brazil.  In addition to congregational work, they sponsor preschool programs in various congregations and an outstanding Christian education program at the Disciples Jack Norment Camp, on the outskirts of the town of Caacupé.

The Christian Church Disciples of Christ in Paraguay believes that the Church is the Body of Christ, and we are members of it. According to the gift that God has given, each member performs its function for the growth of the body.  The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Paraguay believes that where the Bible speaks, we are talking, where the Bible is silent, we are silent.

They celebrate the Lord’s Supper weekly celebrating the redemptive act of God in the person of Christ, through his cross and resurrection, affirming our unity in Christ and our commitment to bring the Gospel to every creature. The mission of the Christian Church Disciples of Christ) in Paraguay is to preach the Gospel to every creature, reach people for Christ, proclaim the Realm of God as a ray of hope for this world; to serve human beings in their needs; promote the welfare of the family and the community; to attract all to Christ.

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  • 100% of your gift will be directed to Christian Church Disciples of Christ in Paraguay
  • You will receive updates on the work in this area as they become available
  • Share in the vision of God’s abundant life for all people

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