Gifts for the Future

Planned and deferred gifts are some of the best ways of demonstrating your passion for the work of Global Ministries and international partners. These gifts help ensure that Global Ministries can continue its legacy of serving all of God’s creation in the future. Global Ministries is pleased to be able to provide you with the following opportunities:
Named Endowments allow you to establish funds that support the general or specific ministries and will continue to grow in perpetuity, or you can make a contribution to the dozens of existing funds that support the general work of Global Ministries, international partners and scholarships. Endowments are especially beneficial for Global Ministries and international partners during uncertain times when conventional giving tends to slow down.
Charitable Gift Annuities allow you to make planned gifts that provide you with guaranteed income for life and support Global Ministries after you have passed away. This allows generous donors like you to make a larger gift than they might think possible because of the continued income they provide.
Including Global Ministries in your will allows you to continue to support the ministries you are passionate about even in death. Working with Global Ministries staff will help you to ensure that the money is distributed to the causes that you believe most strongly in.
Making an IRA Charitable Rollover allows eligible taxpayers (those who are over 70 ½ years of age) to make a tax-free gift to Wider Church Ministries or Division of Overseas Ministries, the two fiscal entities making up Global Ministries. If you are over the age of 72, an IRA Charitable Rollover may also fulfill part or all of your required minimum distribution for your IRA account.
If you have any questions about which of these options is right for you please contact:
Cynthia Newman
Acting Vice President, Strategic Directions
Global Ministries
P.O. Box 1986
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1986
Phone: 317-713-2558
Fax: 317-635-4323