Prayers for Bangladesh Amid Political and Social Upheaval

Prayers for Bangladesh Amid Political and Social Upheaval

Bangladesh is facing unexpected and unprecedented challenges and uncertainty about its future. Millions have protested the government of Bangladesh, demanding the government’s immediate resignation. As the government has just resigned, a new transitional process is beginning. Tragically, during the previous government’s rule, hundreds of people have lost their lives in clashes between security forces and protesters in recent weeks. Communication with partners has been severely restricted as internet access has been slow and limited. Even as the nationwide curfew in place could be lifted soon, the road to recovery remains long and painstaking.

As our partners live through this uncertain reality, let us pray:

  • for peace and stability in Bangladesh. The ongoing unrest has caused widespread fear and anxiety. Pray for an end to violence and a peaceful resolution to the current crisis. Pray for the patience and perseverance of all sections of society as they go through this transition in political leadership and administration of their country and for everyone to resist seeking revenge and retaliation.
  • that government leaders have wisdom, courage, and compassion as they navigate these challenging times. Give them divine guidance to help them make decisions leading to reconciliation and healing.
  • for the safety and protection of all citizens, especially those who are most vulnerable. The strife has limited access to resources, making daily life difficult for many.
  • for the restoration of communication and internet access in Bangladesh. Staying connected with the global community is crucial for support and solidarity with our partners and the people in Bangladesh.
  • for healing and comfort for the families and communities who have lost loved ones. May they find comfort and strength amid their grief.
  • for our partners and all faith communities to remain united and strong. May they be a beacon of hope and love, supporting each other and those in need during these dark times.

We believe in the power of prayer and the strength of our global community. May our support and prayers uplift our partners and citizens in Bangladesh as they navigate these challenges.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.