Transportation Program

Angola Special Project


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The Evangelical Congregational Church of Angola

The Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola (IECA) is a longstanding partner of Global Ministries, founded in 1880 in the Chilume Mission, Bailundo, and Huambo Province. Since the earliest days of its existence, IECA has paid great attention to social development. Improvements have been made in the lives of many people through projects of rehabilitation, training, literacy, health, peace, and reconciliation. Such improvements have helped the lives of many, and have been beneficial in building relationships between various groups of the church’s people. IECA has also participated in rural and urban community development through education, agriculture, and various other means of training. Many government leaders in Angola were trained in IECA’s education centers.

Angola was ravaged by a 27-year civil war, which destroyed much of IECA’s community development efforts, particularly in rural areas. Nearly all of IECA’s property no longer exists because the rural areas were the ones most affected by the war. Angola has experienced two and half years of peace and is trying to stabilize again. Refugees from neighboring countries are beginning to return back to their villages to find nothing left. Currently, the country is facing what is called a social infrastructure emergency, meaning there are very few schools or hospitals operating, especially in the rural areas.

IECA is now left with pastors who are trying to convey the gospel in the villages and spread the message of unity and reconciliation toward a sustainable peace in Angola. The pastors are receiving extremely low salaries and have no transportation. They visit communities that are long distances one from another and have no other alternative but to walk these long distances and spend days on the road going from place to place.

The IECA wants to purchase second hand cars in phases for six Angolan provinces including Bie, Huambo, Benguela, K.Sul, Namibe, and Luanda. The cars will be used to transport pastors to rural communities. Once the car is purchased, it will be the responsibility of each province to maintain the car. Inflation and cost of living is high in Angola so even a second hand car will cost $10,000 to $12,000 in today’s market.

Acquisition of the cars will allow the pastors to visit remote areas where their presence and support is needed and enable them to convey their message of unity, peace, and reconciliation.

The important work of the pastors will ultimately result in more people in the communities growing spiritually and socially and then the communities will become more motivated to live in harmony and peace.

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  • 100% of your gift will be directed to Transportation Program
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