Jack Norment Camp Endowment Fund

Disciples of Christ Church in Paraguay, Asuncion

In January 2009 Global Ministries and the Disciples of Christ Church in Paraguay established a new permanent fund of the Division of Overseas Ministries that supports the Jack Norment Camp located in Caacupe, Paraguay in an ongoing way. 

The Jack Norment Camp is a campground and retreat center under the responsibility of the Disciples of Christ Church in Paraguay, a long-standing global partner church of the Division of Overseas Ministries/Global Ministries. 

Jackson Clair (Jack) Norment was born in 1928, the second son of mission co-workers to Paraguay.  Jack first traveled to Paraguay at a very young age with his family in 1931.  They returned to the United States in 1935 when his mother was critically ill; she died in April 1937.  Malcolm Norment and his two sons, Malcolm Jr. and Jack, returned again to Paraguay in 1938.  In October 1942, Jack was at school in Buenos Aires when he became ill with scarlet fever.  He died four days later.  In 1948, the Disciples of Christ Church in Paraguay established a camp and named it after Jack Norment. 

The Jack Norment Camp Endowment Fund was established in January 2009, 60 years after the camp was founded, at the request of the Disciples of Christ Church in Paraguay.  This Fund provides an opportunity for donors to make contributions to a permanent fund that provides Jack Norment Camp with income for its ongoing program in outdoor educational ministries for youth and other constituents of Paraguayan churches, churches from other countries, and civic groups.  The fund distributions generated by the Jack Norment Camp Endowment Fund are sent to the Disciples of Christ Church in Paraguay, designated for use in the programs and institutional life of the Jack Norment Camp. 

Contributions may be made to the principal of this Fund at any time.  Gifts for the Jack Norment Camp Endowment Fund may be made online https://donate.globalministries.org/onlinegiving or by check written to Division of Overseas Ministries and directed to:   

Division of Overseas Ministries
P.O.  Box 1986
Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-1986

Please indicate “Jack Norment Camp Fund” on the memo line or in an accompanying note if giving by check, or in the Project/Partner box if giving online.

Questions regarding the Jack Norment Camp Endowment Fund are welcome in the Global Ministries Office for Resource Development, gifts@dom.disciples.org or (317) 713-2555.

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  • 100% of your gift will be directed to Jack Norment Camp Endowment Fund
  • You will receive updates on the work in this area as they become available
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