Santa Elena Veinte de Octubre Fund


The Santa Elena Veinte de Octubre Fund was established as a Wider Church Ministries permanent fund to benefit Global Ministries in 2004 at the request of the Christian Outreach Committee of First Church United Church of Christ of Oberlin, Ohio, which has a long-standing commitment and care for the poor in Guatemala, including through its sister relationship with the Guatemalan village, Santa Elena Veinte de Octubre.

On the basis of a generous bequest of church members, Doctors Jim and Jeanne Stephens, this Fund recognizes the lifelong commitment of Drs. Stephens to global mission and First Church’s long and abiding interest in the church’s wider mission.  Doctors Jim and Jeanne Stephens served the Oberlin, Ohio, community as an orthopedic surgeon and a pediatrician respectively for many years.  When they retired from practicing medicine in 1976 they went to Kenya and worked as volunteers for 18 months in a hospital in Chogoria, Kenya.  From 1985 to 1990 they were members of a peace and justice effort in Oberlin, the Oberlin Overground Railroad, that helped Central American refugees with housing, food, English language lessons, and medical care as the refugees waited for Canadian visas and permission to immigrate to Canada.

Distributions from Santa Elena Veinte de Octubre Fund provided scholarship support for members of the Santa Elena Veinte de Octubre community for the first years, and now provides Global Ministries ministry partner, Guatemala Cultural Action (ACG), with resources for its programs including those in community development, spiritual support, communications, and empowerment of women.

Contributions may be made to the principal of this Fund at any time. Gifts for the Santa Elena Veinte de Octubre Fund may be directed by check to:

Wider Church Ministries
PO BOX 71957
Cleveland, Ohio 44194

Please include “Santa Elena Veinte de Octubre Fund” on the memo line of the check or in an accompanying note.

Questions regarding the Santa Elena Veinte de Octubre Fund are welcome.  Please contact the Global Ministries Resource Development Office at 317-713-2555 or

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  • 100% of your gift will be directed to Santa Elena Veinte de Octubre Fund
  • You will receive updates on the work in this area as they become available
  • Share in the vision of God’s abundant life for all people

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