
Learn About The Middle East Initiative

Egypt is located in Northern Africa, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Libya and the Gaza Strip, and the Red Sea north of Sudan, and includes the Asian Sinai Peninsula.

Population (2014 est) – 86,895,099
Area – 622,000mi
Capital – Cairo

Ethnic Background

  • Egyptian – 99.6%
  • Other – 0.4%

Exports – crude oil and petroleum products, cotton, textiles, metal products, chemicals, processed food
Imports – machinery and equipment, foodstuffs, chemicals, wood products, fuels

Life Expectancy (2014 est) – M 71 years, F 76 years
Infant Mortality (2014 est) – 22.41 deaths/1,000 live births

Adult Illiteracy Rate – 26.1%


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