Sri Lanka

Christians are a small minority (about eight percent) of the total population of Sri Lanka, but our partners are involved in national reconciliation in this ethnically and religiously divided nation. In the midst of civil war, our partners in the church in Sri Lanka seek to provide community development, interfaith dialogue, and relief and rehabilitation to those affected by the violence.

Pray for: Global Ministries partners and projects, as we follow the lead of our Sri Lankan partners in caring for those who are most in need. 

Christian leaders as they participate in attempts to bring reconciliation and healing to a nation divided by religious differences.

Population (2014 est) – 21,866,445
Area – 40,770mi
Capital – Colombo

Ethnic Background

  • Sinhalese – 73.8% 
  • Sri Lankan Moors – 7.2%
  • Indian Tamil – 4.6%
  • Sri Lankan Tamil – 3.9% 
  • Other – 0.5%
  • Unspecified – 10%

Exports – textiles and apparel, tea and spices; rubber manufactures; precious stones; coconut products, fish
Imports – petroleum, textiles, machinery and transportation equipment, building materials, mineral products, foodstuffs

Life Expectancy (2014 est) – M 73 years, F 80 years
Infant Mortality (2014 est) – 9.02 deaths/1,000 live births

Adult Illiteracy Rate – 8.8%

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Sri Lanka

Christians are a small minority (about eight percent) of the total population of Sri Lanka,...

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