Middle East and Europe

Middle East and Europe





Mission Co-Workers

Mission Co-Workers

Special Projects

Special Projects



Jesus was a Middle Easterner, as were the first Christian missionaries—James, Peter, Paul, Mark, and Thomas among them. Our Christian faith ties us to the Middle East, where Christ was born; and to Europe, to which Christianity spread and underwent historic reform. As North American churches in the Reformed tradition, our faith heritage—and for many, our family roots—are grounded in the Middle East and Europe.

Global Ministries is part of this rich Christian heritage, steeped in UCC and Disciples missionary history of more than two centuries. The first Congregational missionaries to the Middle East left for Smyrna (Izmir, Turkey), Beirut, and Jerusalem in 1819; the first Disciples missionary went to Jerusalem in 1849. They found living and witnessing Christian communities there, even as they discovered great ecumenical and interfaith diversity.

Today, our Middle Eastern and European partners offer important witness in contexts of diverse religious traditions—and of changing religious landscapes. We are blessed to accompany many churches, faith-based organizations, and institutions in the Middle East and Europe as they strive to:

  • Support human rights and promote human dignity; 
  • Advocate for justice and peace in contexts of conflict; engage in interfaith dialogue; 
  • Respond to the needs of people impacted by emergencies, including natural disasters and war; 
  • Promote community and economic development; 
  • Provide opportunities for education—from primary schools through seminaries and universities; 
  • Witness to their faith even in challenging contexts.

Helpful resources from the Middle East and Europe Office

General Synod/Assembly Resolutions Related to the Middle East

Interfaith Relations Resources

The Disciples and UCC address the crisis in the Middle East

Middle East and Europe News

Sabeel Wave of Prayer: Week of July 1, 2024

For over 300 days, brave Palestinian truth tellers in Gaza have been a voice to the voiceless….

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Prepare for the WCC’s World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel: “Whatever you did…you did for me”

The World Council of Churches (WCC) has announced the theme for the 2024 World Week for Peace in…

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer: Week of June 24, 2024

In the last few months, the international community has been increasingly worried that the…

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Mission Stories

Accompanying the Struggling and Hurting

Written by: Rev. Victor Makari and Sara Makari, who serve the Evangelical Lutheran Church…

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For the World So Loved

Written by Nishan Bakalian, serving in Lebanon with the Union of Armenian Evangelical…

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His Eyes Are Upon Their Ways: Reflections Three Years After the Beirut Port Explosion

Written by Nishan Bakalian, serving in Lebanon with the Union of Armenian Evangelical…

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