Report from Guatemalan Cultural Action (ACG)
During the second half of 2006 and all of 2007, three programs functioned under ACG’s general ministries: Women’s Program, Youth Program, and Human Rights Program. With money received from Global Ministries, these programs were able to provide services that helped meet some of the needs of women, youth, and refugee/returnees and helped them come closer to becoming self supporting.
General Ministries 2007 Report
During the second half of 2006 and all of 2007, three programs functioned under ACG’s general ministries: Women’s Program, Youth Program, and Human Rights Program. With money received from Global Ministries, these programs were able to provide services that helped meet some of the needs of women, youth, and refugee/returnees and helped them come closer to becoming self supporting.
- 548 production projects were financed by the Micro Credit and Savings program in 18 communities in the states of El Quiché and Alta Verapaz.
- During 2007 the women made their repayments on time and there were no defaults.
- 548 women were trained in Self Esteem, Leadership, Women’s Rights, Natural Medicine, Civil Rights, and the Campaign for the Prevention of HIV/AIDS.
- 98 women were given yard animals: 42 were in Ixcán and 56 in two communities in Altiplano.
Thrifty stoves were installed in the community Resurrección Balam of Alta Verapaz in the north central part of Guatemala. The cost of each stove averaged $212 in 2007, which is an increase over the previous average cost of $150 per stove. Recipients of these better stoves are selected from applications presented to ACG. Each recipient is required to provide the basic installation materials for the stove. ACG provides the recipients with training in the use and maintenance of the stoves.
Better stoves benefit in the following ways:
- Help to reduce deforestation of the surrounding areas by 25%
- Greater cleanliness in the kitchens allow for improved hygiene
- Smoke inhalation is reduced by 70%
- 75% reduction in respiratory illnesses
- 80% reduction in the risk of personal burns
- Healthier food
- 45 students received ACG scholarships. Eight students were enrolled in the elementary education program; 24 students were enrolled in diversified studies; 13 were enrolled in high school level courses from four different communities. Among the students were 24 women and 21 men, thereby complying with ACG’s commitment to gender equal opportunity.
- Five students graduated to become Bilingual Intercultural Elementary Education teachers and one additional student completed his Bachelors degree in Tourism.
- A three day work event was held at the ACG farm in which trees were planted, organic composts were started, fruit trees were pruned, and community roads were widened.
- The fifth Reunion of ACG scholarship recipients included presentations on diverse topics, including the values and principles of the Mayan culture, eye disease and defenses, communication and human relationships, and creating the self.
- Three participants were trained in the weaving trade during 2007 and are currently working with their own looms to improve the income for their families. Currently there is one instructor who is helping with this training, as well as a technician that works closely with the instructor.
- ACG published three newsletters which were distributed to 38 communities as well as international institutions that work with ACG. Program and services catalogues and tri-fold brochures were also produced for distribution.
- Seven workshops were led by representatives of the Culture, Education and Production groups. The workshops were held in Altiplano, Alta Verapaz, Barillas and Ixcán.
Altiplano: The student organization celebrated the 18th anniversary of ACG on August 8, 2007, with a Mayan ceremony of thanksgiving, poetry readings, songs, interactive events, soccer, and volleyball. Present at this event were the founders of ACG.
Ixcán: Reflection and analysis on the founding and the purposes of ACG’s programs was part of the 18th anniversary celebration of ACG in Ixcán. ACG was founded as a grassroots Mayan organization in isolated communities where displaced persons, communities in resistance to military violence and control, and in camps of Guatemalan refugees in Mexico.
Alta Verapaz: ACG’s anniversary was celebrated through worship, proclamation of Scriptures, prayer for ACG and its supporters and all ACG services. The celebrations concluded with a community wide dance.
Culture, Education and Production Groups
These groups are significant to the development of communities because they teach community members to analyze and confront issues and needs relative to the public as a whole. As a result, infrastructure is being built that will help develop leadership and educational opportunities. One of the most important achievements is the participation of both men and women, thereby reducing the gender gap. Increased women’s participation has been due, in large part, to the migration of men to Mexico and the U.S. in search of work, as well as the more frequent opportunities for women offered by ACG.
Youth are a bit more difficult to involve, yet one youth that completed his teacher training approached ACG to express gratitude and to offer his services to our programs. This is indicative of a slow but steady increase in youth participation and commitment to the purposes of ACG, as well as increased awareness of ACG.
Translated and edited by: Office of Resource Development
Global Ministries
P.O. Box 1986
Indianapolis, IN 46206
Tel: (317) 713-2555
Fax: (317) 635-4323
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