December 2020: Who are the angels?
An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” Matthew 2: 13
Just as the baby Jesus and his parents fled from King Herod’s wrath, millions of refugees and asylum seekers around the world seek security and protection in a foreign land. In this season, we remember those who must flee their homeland because of threats of violence, persecution, and death. Who are the angels who will watch over their perilous journey? Where are the wise men and women who will thwart the evil powers?
Thousands of asylum seekers from Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East live in Hong Kong. Many come from countries experiencing civil unrest, human rights abuse, military crackdowns, and war for longer than we can imagine. While most have little hope of mercy from the Hong Kong government, a network of Christians called the Hong Kong Refugee Ministry Group works together to serve refugees and asylum seekers. The Refugee Ministry Group plays a key role in providing friendship, improving services, advocating for fairer policies, and educating the public. As we experience again the story of Christmas, let us remember and pray for all those who desperately need our welcome and hospitality to survive.
Judy Chan serves with the Hong Kong Christian Council (HKCC). Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, and your special gifts.