From War to Peace: Iraq and the Churches’ Voice – Web-based resources
From War to Peace: Iraq and the Churches’ Voice – Web-based resources
Global Ministries Iraq
The UCC’s 100,000 Voices for Peace campaign
Why Violence? Why Not Peace?
A study guide to help individuals and groups in the churches to reflect and act in the World Council of Churches’ Decade to Overcome ViolencePursuing the Common Good: Principle and Practice in U.S. Foreign Policy
A publication of the Center for American ProgressPastoral Letter from Disciples Peace Fellowship [DOC]
Soul Repair Center
Truth Commission on Conscience in War
Specific recommended articles and resources:“The Just War Ethic: Protecting the Global Common Good,” by J. Bryan Hehir
“The End of Barbarism? The Phenomenon of Torture and the Search for the Common Good,” by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and Rev. Dr. William F. Schultz
“A Faithful Case for Intervention: Our Common Responsibility to Protect Humanity and Prevent Atrocities,” by Dr. Elizabeth Ferris
“The ‘Great Commission’ and God’s Empire,”—A College of Mission Bible Study, by Rev. Dr. James Vijayakumar
The Situation of Minorities in Iraq from Pax Christi International
Disciples World articles by the Rev. Craig Watts, Disciples Peace Fellowship“Christians Cannot Support Torture” (July/August 2005)
“What Should the Church Do About the War?” (December 2006)
“Do We Believe in God, or America?” (September 2007)
Welcome: Church World Service’s Immigration and Refugee Ministry Newsletter
Sept. 2008 issue on Iraqi Refugees