Pray with China, April 2, 2023
Lectionary Selection: Matthew 26:14-27:66
Prayers from China

Gracious Lord,
Hosanna! As you enter the city of Jerusalem, we pray that you may always triumph in our hearts. We pray that you came into the world as the Messiah to reveal to us the God of the universe as the God of love.
We pray for peace on earth and friendship between the United States and China. Lord, please deliver us from building enmity among the people in this world.

We give thanks for your grace and love that connect us with mission partnerships in China. We pray for the leaders of the China Christian Council. May your wisdom and guidance be with them as they lead the churches to promote the indigenization of the church in China. We pray for the Amity Foundation as they provide emergency and social services in China and around the world. We pray for mission partners, congregations, seminaries, clergy, and lay leaders in China as they serve the people in the post-pandemic era. Make keen minds and strong hands for them to work for God’s grace and love among the people.
As we begin this holy week. We pray you will send the Holy Spirit upon us so that we may walk together with the mission partners in China through your love from the shadow of betrayal, a dark tomb, and into the brilliance of resurrection hope.
In your name, Amen.
Mission Moment from China

Amity Foundation’s Emergency Relief for the Earthquake in Türkiye
After the 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Türkiye and Syria on February 6, 2023, as one of the first five Chinese emergency response organizations, the Amity Foundation sent two staff to the disaster area in Türkiye on February 8th and cooperated with local partners to deliver humanitarian relief to the affected.

Following an in-depth assessment, Amity staff purchased household hygiene products such as sanitary pads, diapers, toilet paper, and paper towels and delivered them to Elbistan, one of the most severely affected areas. The supplies were distributed to temporary resettlement areas to alleviate the needs of women and children who are taking shelter there.
At the same time, Amity staff actively participated in organizing and operating the Base Camp to provide support and assistance to multiple rescue teams from China.

From Feb 14 to 18, 2023, the Amity Foundation delivered eight batches of supplies to Kahramanmaraş Province and Adiyaman area in Türkiye, including warm wool blankets, clothes, warm/moisture proof floor mats, food packs, wash and hygiene supplies, as well as protective gloves, suits, and face masks. These supplies benefited more than 10,000 local people.
The Amity staff completed their tasks and returned to China on Feb 22, but the disaster relief work will continue. As a mission partner, Global Ministries will continue to support the Amity Foundation as they serve people and share God’s love not only in China but with others in need worldwide. Please continue to pray for the disaster victims in Türkiye and for mission partners who are responding to help the people there as needed in the most appropriate ways.
Prayer and Mission Moment written by G. Lou
Partners in China
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