Pray with Egypt, March 3, 2024
Lectionary Selection: Psalm 19
Prayers for Egypt
Almighty God, we praise you and thank you for our country. Watch us over as we do our work for the people of Egypt.
We pray for our country’s safety. Every border we have is witnessing calls of war and destruction. We ask that you keep those who live here safe from others who would do us harm. We pray, Lord, that we one day see an end to all the calls for power and destruction plaguing the region. May we live in peace and love to enjoy the many blessings you have blessed this nation and region.
Lord, we continue to pray for this country’s prosperity. In these hard times of inflation and distorted priorities, we ask for your hand in programs that help those with problems helping themselves. We thank you for your hand in helping those who do not have proper homes, jobs, and more. We pray, Lord, that our people continue to find ways to bless those who feel alone or helpless.
Lord, we pray for CEOSS and its work in this country for the prosperity and advocacy of those without a voice. We pray for the different initiatives that we undertake, whether in development or dialogue, to effect real change in the mindset and livelihoods of people so that we can reflect your image to others. In Your Name, Amen.

Mission Moment from Egypt
Throughout the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Service’s (CEOSS) long-lasting partnership with the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) through Global Ministries, we have sought to achieve God’s will on earth together. In this regard, Global Ministries has been eager to support CEOSS’s work with the poor and marginalized communities. One of the beneficiaries is Asmaa.
Asmaa is 16 years old, lives with her family, and has 3 sisters. Her eldest sister has a disability. She works in a grocery store, and her father works as a driver.

When Asmaa came to our activities, she was very shy. She refused to participate in any activity, so we encouraged her to participate by explaining the general idea about the activities. Finally, she decided to go on one of our trips with her younger sister. Through the trip, she met other girls of the same age.
We convinced her to attend another activity, “training children to face harassment.” After that, she started participating in most activities, including medical eye convoys. We also provided her with school supplies to support her.
Now, Asmaa has become one of the most important figures in child protection initiatives, where she attends seminars and training. She overcame her shyness and has become involved in all discussions. She constantly visits different groups of people and advocates for girls’ rights and laws that protect her and ensure that families are safe places for the girls.
Mission Partners in Egypt
- Bishopric for Public, Ecumenical, and Social Services
- Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services
- Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East
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