Pray with Egypt, October 9, 2022
Lectionary Selection: Jeremiah 29:1,4-7

Prayers for Egypt
LORD who is with us, lead us in seeking the prosperity of our cities, especially Cairo, Alexandria, Damietta, Asyut, and Minya. As a community that is a numerical minority, be present with Egyptian Christians to love their Muslim neighbors and to work with them to be a blessing to our communities.
Please alleviate the acute food pressure on Egypt and much of the rest of the world caused by the invasion of Ukraine. Continue to raise up courageous and humble leaders for the Egyptian Church who will follow you to the communities where you are already and always present. Please bless the leaders of the Synod of the Nile, the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo, and all the congregations of Egypt with wisdom, endurance, and joy as they respond to your call and mission.

Help turn deaf ears to those who would encourage division or isolation in our cities. Shut the mouths of “prophets” who proclaim “peace” without justice or “calm” without embracing our neighbors. Cause us always to follow the true Prince of Peace who calls us to live lives of humble obedience as living sacrifices.
It is in the name of Jesus that we continue to pray,
Mission Stewardship Moment from Egypt

I’m writing this reflection in the middle of summer 2022. It is an exciting time as we announce to our applicants that they have been admitted to study at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cario (ETSC). This year, our degree offerings expanded to include a DMin, as well as our MDiv, MAT, Master in Media, and Thm programs. ETSC is truly a powerhouse of influence, not just in Egypt but throughout the region. Our Egyptian and multinational faculty is robust, and our infrastructure is excellent (we are offering more online programs than ever, in addition to vibrant campus community life). The one bottleneck is that more Egyptian students wish to study and serve their congregations than we have scholarship money to fund. What an excellent problem to have! By helping to fund my position as Director of Graduate Studies and professor of Old Testament, the UCC and Disciples are making sure the money from the Synod of the Nile can go directly to student scholarships to meet the demand for pastors and leaders to strengthen the Egyptian Church further. Thus, Disciples and UCC support not only provides for faculty to help form and prepare Egyptian leaders for the Egyptian Church but also ensures that the Egyptian Church can focus on raising up indigenous leadership. This year promises to be a thrilling time of continuing to equip well-trained, mature leaders to serve a small but influential Egyptian Christian community.
Prayer and Mission Moment by Cory Driver

Mission Partners in Egypt
- Bishopric for Public, Ecumenical, and Social Services
- Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services
- Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East
Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Egypt:
Cory’s appointment to the Evangelical Theological Seminary, Cairo, Egypt is made possible by our gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, Week of Compassion, and special gifts.
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