Pray with Eswatini, November 17, 2024
Lectionary Selection: 1 Samuel 1:4-20
Prayers for Eswatini

God of Hosts, as the Council of Swaziland Churches, we bring our country, Eswatini, before you. You know the struggles of your people: the poverty, the sickness, the family divisions, and all the social ills besetting this country. We pray for lasting peace and justice. May the people entrusted with power and decision-making responsibilities be good stewards of the resources under their care and fairly distribute them so that those most vulnerable among us have a chance at a life of dignity as promised in John 10:10. We pray for families and marriages. Restore peace and unity so that children may be brought up in stable and loving homes to be good and upright citizens who will spread love. We bring to you all those suffering from depression and other mental health issues. Restore hope and faith so that believing in you and your saving power, they may have the strength to rise up, take up their crosses, and follow you; you who, in the fullness of time, brings true joy and peace to your people as you did for Hannah.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.
Mission Moment from Eswatini

Support from Global Ministries and the UCC Genesis Fund has enabled 25 young people from one of the peri-urban areas within Manzini, the country’s biggest city, to gain income-generating skills while contributing to conserving the environment. This was through the Environmental Stewardship Project. Through the project, young people learned how to use end-of-use tires to manufacture unique furniture products, which they sold, and some started businesses. As part of the project, the young people were also taught business skills, which include pricing, marketing, and general financial literacy. Additionally, these young people were taught how to utilize the same end-of-use tires to make backyard vegetable gardens. Through this skill, the beneficiaries were taught how to conserve the environment while growing food for their households and possibly for sale. These otherwise unemployed young people will have a shot at making something out of their lives as opposed to lying idle and waiting for the ever-dwindling job opportunities that may never come. With the generous support of the Genesis Fund, their hope has been restored. They can look to the future with optimism. The skills gained will transform their lives and those of their families.

Prayer and Mission Moment written by:
Melusi Matsenjwa: Programmes Manager
Partners in Eswatini
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