Pray with Greece, March 31, 2024
Lectionary Selection: Mark 16:1-8
Prayers for Greece
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank You for Your continued presence in our lives. For the sacrifice of Your Son for our sake, for Your promises, and Your plan.
We ask You to stand with our country and those who are in charge and give them Your wisdom. Protect us from the natural disasters we experienced last year. Bless our people and help us not to seek You in habits and thoughts where You are not. May we understand the power of the resurrection and seek You in Your word and in prayer.
You, the mighty God, can roll the stone of difficulty from each person, take the burden and release the person.
As Perichoresis, we ask that You give our partners breath and strength so they can proclaim Your sacrifice and glorious name through our work and daily lives.
Dear God, we are Your servants and we remain in Your word to live as You command us.
Mission Moment from Greece

“The Hug” project began in response to COVID-19 by Perichoresis of the Evangelical Church of Greece. With an increasing homeless population, the project identified and responded to several needs in the community, including bathroom and laundry facilities and providing cooked meals, counseling, and activities for children while parents visited the community food bank.
H.P. was a beneficiary of “The Hug” project.
During the introductory discussion, he told us he was sleeping on a bench in the city park. He had a bag with all his belongings, which were occasionally stolen, and his ribs were sore from the hard surface of the bench where he was sleeping.

We started immediately with a hot shower, hair care, clean clothes, and food. A smile appeared on his face, seeing the changes and the care and love we gave him. We communicated daily as he attended all the “The Hug” project activities. We talked to him about Christ, His love and mercy, how He works in our lives, and how He can work in his own life.
What he needed was a job. We created a resumé with him that we sent to employers. One agreed to take him on at his bakery, first on a trial basis and later permanently, providing a salary, security, and accommodation.
Today, H.P. is still working, standing on his feet, and dreaming about his future. He visits us often, and we are happy every time we see him. We praise God for His miraculous works!!!
Partners in Greece
- Evangelical Church of Greece
- Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East
- Social Work Foundation
Make a gift that supports the work of Perichoresis of the Evangelical Church of Greece.