Pray with Honduras, December 8, 2024
Lectionary Selection: Luke 3:1-6
Prayers for Honduras

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your holy name. Good and merciful God, on this day, we raise our hands in thanksgiving for all your goodness and for your infinite love. We want to exalt your name because you loved us first, thank you for your great love reflected through your son Jesus Christ and your Holy Spirit. In this hour, we pour out our hearts before you, and we raise a cry for Honduras, as your word says in Luke 3:4, “Voice of one crying in the wilderness…” so we cry, God, for our nation that you might have mercy and not forget your sons and daughters. Look, God, at all that we Hondurans are going through; “we want to see the salvation of God in our nation.” We ask your forgiveness for everything that is not to your liking, we ask your forgiveness if our hearts have turned away from you, remembering your promise as your word says: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14). We ask this in the name of your son Jesus. Amen!

Mission Moment from Honduras
Throughout the years, the work of the Christian Development Commission (CCD) of Honduras, together with Global Ministries, has benefited thousands of families. CCD carried out social projects in the areas of local economic development, food security, migration, risk management, medical brigades, and construction groups that rebuilt schools, kindergartens, and local churches, among other projects.

With support from Global Ministries, the Christian Development Commission of Honduras has changed the lives of men, women, children, and at-risk youth, improving their quality of life and their family income and developing their communities. We see the change reflected in the testimonies of each completed project. We are blessed to be part of Global Ministries and honored to be part of this great work of love.
CCD Executive Director Nancy Romero shares, “As Executive Director of the Christian Development Commission (CCD) I want to tell you that there are not enough words to thank the brothers and sisters of the Disciples of Christ and the United Church of Christ through Global Ministries with whom we have many stories that have filled our hearts with joy and happiness with each project or work group that we bring to the most vulnerable families in our country Honduras.”

“We bless each sibling who is able to help and make a difference in the lives of many Hondurans. A thousand thanks for your love and for your contributions that will be multiplied a hundredfold because we know that the reward comes from heaven. We love you!”
Written by: Nancy Romero, Executive Director, Christian Development Commission
Partners in Honduras
- Christian Commission for Development (CCD), Honduras
- Evangelical and Reformed Church of Honduras (IERH)
- Mennonite Social Action Commission (CASM), Honduras
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