Pray with India, February 2, 2025
Lectionary Selection: Luke 4: 21-30
Prayers for India

God of the weak and the vulnerable, we adore and praise your name for great is your faithfulness unto us. We marvel at your Word which talks of your incarnation, identifying with us humans full of frailty. Your life and ministry inspire us to follow in your ways – to carry our crosses, to act justly, and to heal and build up communities. We are gathered before you to seek your wisdom and guidance as we enter and embrace the new year.
We pray, Lord, that you will give us your spirit of discernment as we navigate through challenging times – uncertainty staring into our faces, filling our hearts with fears and doubts as we struggle to keep up with the demands of our times, academically, socially, financially, and in all aspects of life. In all of this, we are overwhelmed, helpless, and powerless.

We pray, Lord, that you will give us your spirit of understanding and acceptance as we endeavour to make sense of our life. Teach us to love ourselves just as you have loved us and to treat ourselves and our neighbours with kindness and compassion.
We pray, Lord, that you will heal and empower us to be free from all that binds us so that we may grow in faith, experience your healing, and become channels of your blessing.
We pray, Lord, that you will move us with your spirit so that we may live as your disciples, following in your footsteps, being a friend of the ‘sick’ and vulnerable in society, healing them, and inspiring them to be channels of your healing.
Mission Moment from India

The roles of men and women in families have transformed over the past 3-4 decades. But, the approach to gender-related health has not kept pace with these changes. There is a significant imbalance between the evolving roles of men and women in society and the different approaches to meeting their needs. Traditional gender roles have maintained the notion that men should remain strong and tough in the face of adversity, leading to a culture where expressing vulnerability is often stigmatized.
It’s important to recognize that suppressed emotions find outlets in various, often unhealthy, ways. Men experiencing sadness or depression may manifest their pain through anger and aggression rather than openly expressing their feelings. Bottling up emotions intensifies them, leading to overreactions in unrelated situations. The consequences can include sleep disturbances, binge eating, substance abuse, gaming addiction, high blood pressure, stress, displaced emotions, and impulsive reactions. Thus, learning about and addressing the issues of mental health at a younger age goes a long way for our beneficiaries – the students.

To address this pressing concern, the Student Christian Movement of India (SCMI) organized a series of workshops – one under the theme Unlearning Toxic Masculinity: Towards Holistic Growth that took place in October 2023, and another under the theme Embracing Vulnerabilities: Being Hu(Man) that took place in July 2024. The first explored the conceptual understanding of patriarchy, thus building a theoretical framework to understand the issue. In contrast, the second delved into the complexities of men’s mental health, engaging with lived experiences. We are encouraged that we were able to partner with Global Ministries on these workshops.
The workshops addressed societal norms that equate vulnerability with weakness and fostered a supportive environment where the participants felt safe to share their experiences. It examined the societal, cultural, and religious factors that contribute to the reluctance of men to seek help for mental health issues. It encouraged participants to recognize and understand their own emotions, fostering a greater sense of self-awareness and emotional intelligence. It equipped participants with practical tools and strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges in their daily lives. Finally, it facilitated connections among participants to establish a supportive network where individuals can seek help and guidance without fear of judgment.

During the evaluation and sharing of feedback, the participants shared that it was the first time they had taken part in a workshop on men’s mental health. They became aware that boys could cry, too, and that it was fine. They came to realize the role that society, culture, and even religion play in the formation of gender roles. Some confessed that they were taught to take responsibility for the family and be strong. Some shared they were asked not to express their emotions but to laugh it off when something bothered them. Many also expressed their sense of inadequacy in their efforts to be genuinely supportive of people who depend on them. One participant shared an incident where his friend died by suicide and expressed how important it is to speak to one’s family and friends when one is going through a difficult time instead of keeping it to oneself.
The participants added that the workshop helped them understand that being vulnerable and addressing their emotions is the most humane thing, and not expressing their feelings only makes them inhuman. They expressed their joy at being able to make new friends with people from different regions, learn from each other, and find space where they could be themselves. They requested that more such workshops be conducted at the regional level so that more people would benefit from them.
Written by Ms. Dakerlin Mukhim, General Secretary, Student Christian Movement of India (SCMI).
Partners in India
- Center for Social Equity and Inclusion (CSEI)
- Student Christian Movement of India
- Christian Medical College, Ludhiana
- Christian Medical College, Vellore
- Christian Medical Association of India (CMAI)
- Pravaham, Vellore
- Tamilnadu Theological Seminary
- Lady Doak College
- Private: Henry Martyn Institute
- Family Village Farm and King’s Matriculation
- Deep Griha Society, Pune
- Darjeeling Tibetan Refugee Center and Tibetan Children’s Village
- Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA)
- Church of South India (CSI)
- Church of North India (CNI)
- United Theological College, Bangalore
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