Pray with Indonesia, September 22, 2024
Pray with Indonesia
Lectionary Selection: Mark 9:30-37
Prayers for Indonesia

O God, we give thanks for the blessing of Indonesia’s 79th Independence Day on August 17, 2024. Today, we live in the spirit of freedom, which was established on the sacrifices of our heroes and heroines. Their sacrifices paid for the freedom we now have, allowing us to live more civilly. Pancasila* is our proclamation to honor you and achieve social justice for all people.
O God, we confess that life in Indonesia is still fraught with different concerns and heart-breaking challenges:
- Human trafficking is a manifestation of evil against humanity, humanity that was created in your image. In the name of seeking a better economy, the poor are ensnared in the hands of merciless mafias. They are exploited until they are powerless and die in vain, leaving behind sorrow and loss for their children and families.
- Children live in the shadow of rising sexual violence, losing the safe environment they require to grow healthily. O God, help our children through every attempt to protect them.
- Violence against women, whether at home or elsewhere, remains an urgent crisis. Women are subjected to various types of violence and suffer greatly as a result.
You have sent the House of Hope GMIT to stand in solidarity with survivors of human trafficking and gender-based violence. With your strength, may we be worthy to extend loving and supportive hands to those in need. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Mission Moment from Indonesia

Ina, a 33-year-old woman from Kupang City in the province of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, is fighting to pursue her case as a survivor of workplace sexual violence. She wrestles with trauma and stress as a result of her ordeal as well as feelings of depression, sorrow, and anxiety. She is struggling to reclaim her sense of worth after the violence she endured. A lack of social support exacerbates her despair, as her coworkers blame her and pressure her to remain silent about the case. However, working with The House of Hope, Ina’s life began to transform.
The House of Hope GMIT, through the partnership with the Disciples and UCC (through Global Ministries), has provided Ina with both psychological care and legal assistance. Although she still experiences fear from the events that scarred her, she is gradually recovering emotionally, thanks to the support she receives.

She also feels a great sense of support from the House of Hope GMIT and from within herself, which gives her confidence as she works through the legal system despite the numerous obstacles she has to overcome.
Ina’s story demonstrates how services from The House of Hope GMIT make a significant difference for survivors, reminding them that they are not alone. We remain committed to helping survivors like Ina in East Nusa Tenggara.
Written by Rev. Dr. Mery Kolimon from The House of Hope GMIT
Learn more about House of Hope
Mission Partners in Indonesia
- Oase Intim
- Christian Church of Sumba Theological Seminary (STT Lewa)
- Christian Church of West Sulawesi (GKSB)
- Christian Church of Sumba (GKS)
- Interfidei
- Theological Seminary of Eastern Indonesia (STT Intim)
- Jakarta Theological Seminary (STT Jakarta)
- Indonesia Protestant Church of Luwu (GPIL, Central Sulawesi)
- Evangelical Church of West Timor (GMIT)
- Duta Wacana Christian University, Yogyakarta
- Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI)
- Artha Wacana Christian University (UKAW, Kupang)
- Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga
Make a gift to support the work of Evangelical Church of West Timor (GMIT) / House of Hope
*Pancasila (pronounced pantjasila) is a Sanskrit expression meaning “five pillars.” These five foundational principles are as follows:
- Belief in the one and only God.
- A just and civilized humanity.
- The unity of Indonesia.
- Democracy, led by the wisdom of the representatives of the people.
- Social justice for all Indonesian people.