Pray with Japan, August 28, 2022
Lectionary Selection: Luke 14:1, 7-14

Prayers for Japan
Dear God,
We pray for all who are grieving today. Our hearts ache too often from news of lives taken so suddenly and violently by guns or other weapons. We pray for the family, friends, and supporters of former prime minister Abe, whose life was taken by gunshot earlier this summer. We also pray for the suspect and his family. God, be with the leaders of Japan to choose policies that help the poor and those who have struggles in life. We lift up all of the social workers and other helping professionals who assist those who are in need. We give thanks for your vision of a world where abundance is shared. Give us the strength and the heart to share what we have and work to correct the injustices in our society. We especially pray today for our partners in Japan who work for peace and justice and for a society where all are invited to the table.
We pray in the name of Christ,
Mission Stewardship Moment from Japan:

The whole world was shocked by the recent gun shooting and death of former Prime Minister Abe. As gun crimes are rare in Japan, nobody expects such a thing to happen here. The suspect’s motive was not political but is said to be a deep resentment toward the Unification Church. It is reported that his mother had made large financial contributions to this religious group which drove the family into poverty. The suspect then dropped out of college due to financial reasons. It is also becoming clear that the Unification Church has had long ties with Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party. Although the seriousness of the crime should by no means be condoned, details about the suspect reveal a story of a troubled life. He had a history of unstable employment and had attempted suicide in the past. He had recently quit his last job, had run out of money, and was planning to end his life.
The students in my fieldwork course pictured here are involved in organizations that work to assist people with various needs, including those who have experienced despair. They work, for example, with those suffering from substance abuse or trying to keep clean and sober, children of non-Japanese parents having language difficulties at school, single mothers struggling to keep food on the table, and with people who have severe physical disabilities or illnesses. These students give hope that we can work toward a more caring society where no one is estranged, and all are invited to an abundant life. The Bazaar Café ministry, the YWCA, and many congregations of our partner church in Japan are involved in such work. Thank you for your prayers and ongoing support of our partnership through Global Ministries.
Prayer and Mission Moment by Martha Mensendiek
Mission Partners in Japan
- Asian Rural Institute
- Doshisha University
- Emmaus Center
- J.F. Oberlin University
- Kobe College
- Korean Christian Church in Japan
- Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University
- National Christian Council in Japan (NCCJ)
- Tohoku Gakuin University
- United Church of Christ in Japan
Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Japan:
Martha Mensendiek serves with Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan. Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, and your special gifts.
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