Pray with Japan, October 27, 2024

Pray with Japan, October 27, 2024

Lectionary Selection:  Mark 10:46-52

Prayers for Japan

Dear God, thank you for the opportunities we have to encounter you along our journeys. We give thanks for the opportunities that participants in the Asian Rural Institute have to travel throughout Japan to learn from other farmers and communities during their year of training.

We pray for ARI’s participants as they open up to learning new ways of living and having healthy and fruitful relationships with the land and with each other. We pray for all those who give their time and expertise to meet with ARI during its study tours.

Bless all the churches and individuals in the United Church of Christ in Japan and around the world who support ARI’s mission to build an environmentally healthy, just, and peaceful world.

We give thanks for your creation and for all those who farm the land. From the rural agricultural cooperatives of Japan to all the local communities in Asia, Africa, and the Americas that send participants to study at ARI, we ask your blessings on all those who seek sustainability and who sow peace from the soil.

In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.

Mission Moment from Japan

Every year the Asian Rural Institute takes its participants on various exposure trips as part of their training program. The participants from around the world learn about rural life and farming practices in Japanese communities outside of ARI.

During August 26-30, participants went on a study tour around Yamagata. They split into two groups and visited the local Japan Agriculture cooperative (JA), city halls, farmers, and schools in two areas: Okitama and Shonai.

These regions have a long history of local leadership and government involvement in promoting producer- and consumer-friendly organic farming. Participants learned various things, from predecessors’ philosophy to systems created by JA to protect farmers, as well as gender issues for women in agriculture.

In between observations and sharing sessions, participants helped each other cook and clean and also enjoyed interacting with the local people by singing, dancing, and eating together.

On the first day, the bus broke down, and they were stuck on a highway for five hours, but everyone was protected, and they were able to complete their six-day trip safely.

ARI is thankful to all the people who warmly welcome our participants every year. Thank you very much!

From ARI Public Relations, Adapted from

Partners in Japan

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