Pray with Lesotho, January 1, 2023
Lectionary Selection: Psalm 148
Prayers from Lesotho
Our Lord, we thank you all for the life and partnership with Global Ministries as we journey together, confronting the challenges we face in the world and taking all opportunities given to us to serve our God through the Holy Spirit.
We bring our prayers collectively to our Lord Jesus Christ to be inspired again and again to work together as a Christian community wherever we are. We acknowledge our weaknesses and our need for one another and empowerment through mutual support and fellowship.
We pray for the love of God to transform our lives as the church of Christ, and the hearts of those within all nations, to work towards eliminating violence and discrimination of any kind in the world and the church. We pray this so that we may live in both justice and equity as God-created human beings, with self-esteem and freedom in Christ, Lord Jesus.
We pray that you inspire us to be agents of peace, healing, and reconciliation in our families, churches, communities, countries, and the world. Lord Jesus, give our world peace and end wars in our world so that all of us can use our energy in the efforts of ending poverty and protecting our environment, working towards equal access to our mineral resources, education, job-skills training, and income-generating activities.
Our Lord Jesus, we pray that you inspire us to improve the overall physical, social, spiritual, and emotional health and well-being of us all and enable us to uphold the dignity of every human being by honoring, respecting, and advocating for people living with disabilities.
Strengthen our partnership with Global Ministries for the achievement of being true Christians in Jesus Christ, promoting transparency and accountability in our churches, nations, and societies.
In Jesus’ name we pray,
Prayer from the Lesotho Evangelical Church in Southern Africa (LECSA)
Mission Moment from Lesotho
Lesotho Evangelical Church in Southern Africa (LECSA), in partnership with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ (UCC) through Global Ministries, implemented the Genesis 2018 project on Farming God’s Way to respond to climate change. The purpose of this Conservation Agriculture (CA) project was to improve the level of food security within underprivileged communities affected by poverty and COVID-19.
Through the Genesis 2018 project, fourteen (14) reverends were re-trained for three days on the principles of Conservation of Agriculture (CA). After training, the reverends demonstrated competency with the principles of CA, which includes: minimum soil disturbance, soil cover, and diversification of crops in their respective parishes. Also, they served as trainers of CA for their congregants and communities.
The congregants and communities who adopted and practiced CA produced a suitable amount of food for their families, and their level of food security and nutrition improved. From the Genesis 2018 project, we learned that CA could help Lesotho to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goal 1- Zero Hunger.
The trained personnel in CA are an asset to the church and the country as a whole. Currently, they continue to train LECSA Leadership, members of some Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOS), and community members, including the youth. This has contributed significantly towards achieving food security.
The lessons learned from the Genesis 2018 Project has stimulated the LECSA Executive Committee to introduce the Seed Fund Initiative as a means of raising funds to advocate for Farming God’s Way (CA) to support food security projects throughout the country. LECSA desires to be a Church that is a leader in promoting self-sufficiency in food production at the community level.
Prayer and mission moment by Lesotho Evangelical Church in Southern Africa (LECSA)
Partners in Lesotho:
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