Pray with the Democratic Republic of Congo, October 13, 2024
Lectionary Selection: Mark 10:17-31
Prayers for the Democratic Republic of Congo

Our loving God, creator of abundance, we pray that your peace will descend on the DRC and that your greatness will be manifested. We pray that those in various positions of authority and lawmakers will be filled with wisdom and humility and become sensitive to the suffering of the Congolese. Give us the courage to give everything that we have to you, knowing that what you offer us is more valuable than all the riches in the world. We pray for wisdom and grace to know how to suffer with you and to give our lives both in service to others and to you. Help us to share our blessings with those who are in need.
God, please help the Christ of Christ in Congo (ECC) be the conduit through which the truth of the gospel of grace will flow. We lift up those who are seeking to know you and pray that many hearts will be open to the good news of Jesus Christ. They will be in a right relationship with you, relying entirely on you. We pray that evil will be overcome and that all wars will end. Grant us peace, reconciliation, and stability in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.
Mission Moment from the Democratic Republic of Congo

In the DRC, the status of women is fragile and under-recognized. Women have limited access to decision-making processes and are hindered by different barriers, such as inadequate education, lack of basic services, and limited resources. They also bear the brunt of violence and poverty, exacerbating their challenges. In a place marked by violence, women are mobilizing to make their voices heard and work for lasting peace. As a national body, the Church of Christ in Congo (ECC) facilitates significant initiatives that drive change and support communities. Importantly, ECC plays a more proactive role in speaking out and advocating for women and children.

It is noteworthy that for several years, Global Ministries has supported ECC and its member churches through the women’s department, which enhances the status of women by amplifying their voices and equipping them with training that cultivates leadership and entrepreneurial skills. It provides opportunities for income-generating projects to enable women to recover their dignity and earn a living. The Maman Sandra Gourdet Centre at Bolenge is an example of such commitment that holds significant promise for fostering empowerment and progress. Therefore, in pursuing its holistic mission, ECC seeks to continue collaborating with Global Ministries to transform attitudes and engage in capacity-building programs that promote women’s empowerment and self-definition.
Written by: Rev Dr Marthe Maleke Kondemo
Mission Partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Church of Christ in Congo
- Congo Protestant University – Kinshasa
- Community of Disciples of Christ in Congo
More about the Democratic Republic of Congo
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