Pray with the Republic of Congo, June 11, 2023
Lectionary Selection: Genesis 12:1-9
Prayers for the Republic of Congo
To you, Lord our God, belong the greatness and the power, the majesty, and the splendor. All things in heaven and on earth are yours. The text of the day plunges us into the beginning of a true story that will later spread to all continents and therefore also to Africa and more precisely to the Republic of Congo.

We are grateful to God for the geographical situation in Central Africa crossed on both sides by the equator. On the maritime facade of the Atlantic Ocean with a length of 220 km, the Congo River and the Oubangui form part of the border with the DRC. The tropical rainforest extends over nearly 2/3 of the territory, with its great variety of natural landscapes and the richness of the soil and subsoil.
We pray for:
- the maintenance of peace, dearly acquired after the civil war of June 11, 1997
- the social and economic progress of the country as unemployment pushes young people to ignore their values
- the improvement of dismal working conditions
- regular payments of scholarships to students and retirees
- the improvement of the educational and health system
- the marginalized population including indigenous people and people living with disabilities
- the security of refugees and all foreigners living in the Congo
- the farmers who work tirelessly for the survival of their families
- entrepreneurship and the preservation of ecosystems

We pray for the Disciples of Christ Church in Congo that it will go forth as a witness of Christ everywhere, proclaiming the Gospel and making people into Disciples. May it fulfill its mission well through the Gospel, witnessing in public life, and accompanying the faithful.
Mission Moment from the Republic of Congo

The Disciples of Christ Church in the Congo (EDCC) is working in rural areas to provide wells for drinking water in order to solve the problems of water-borne diseases related to the consumption of river water. We also initiate self-care programs through the “palm oil” project and training centers for literacy, cutting, and sewing. Thanks to the support of Global Ministries through the New Churches project, EDCC is working as always on the planting and development of new churches, which allows the population of the landlocked areas and also the indigenous people who are in places difficult to access to find places to assemble to share the word of God.

In its social mission, following climatic disturbances and their effects and consequences including floods that hit the country a few years ago, the Church of the Disciples of Christ in Congo once again thanks Global Ministries. It is among the rare churches if not the only community that accompanies the government in its program of assistance to affected populations by providing basic necessities. We give thanks to the Almighty God for this, and we express our gratitude to Global Ministries for its assistance.
Written by Rev. Georges NGOKA, General Secretary and Legal Representative, EDCC
Mission Partners in the Republic of Congo
More about the Republic of Congo
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