Pray with the Republic of Egypt, June 18, 2023
Lectionary Selection: Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7
Prayers for the Republic of Egypt

Lord, thank you for allowing us to live in this country. Lord, we lift Egypt up to you for blessings today. We thank you for allowing us to live in a place that lets us pray to you every day. Thank you for the blessing that this country may be to its people and its surrounding neighbors.
We pray for our country’s safety and that you keep those who live here safe from others who would do us harm. We pray, Lord, that we one day see an end to all the terrorism and other forces that require our vigilance.
God, we continue to pray for this country’s prosperity. Even in hard times, we ask for your hand in programs that help those who are marginalized and are challenged to help themselves. We thank you for your hand in caring for those who do not have proper homes, jobs, and more. We pray, Lord, that we continue to find ways to bless those who feel alone or helpless.
Lord, we pray for CEOSS and its work in this country for the prosperity and advocacy for those without a voice. We pray for the different initiatives that we undertake, whether in development or dialogue, to change the mindset and livelihoods of people so that we will be able to reflect your image to others. In Your Name, Amen.

Mission Moment from the Republic of Egypt
Throughout the long-lasting partnership of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSSS) with the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) through Global Ministries, we seek to achieve God’s will on earth. In this regard, Global Ministries has supported CEOSS’s work with the poor and marginalized communities to achieve its mission of “United in Spirit and inspired by God’s grace, we welcome all, love all, and seek justice for all.”

One of the beneficiaries is named Farah Ahmed Mahmoud. At the age of 14, Farah lost her father and consequently dropped out of school to help support her family. She started to sell tissues in the streets where she faced different forms of harassment.
Farah learned through her peers about a CEOSS project that seeks to improve the lives of children exposed to danger. She decided to join by attending seminars, trainings, meetings, and recreational and educational trips. During the sessions, Farah learned about children’s rights in the Labor Law and Child Law 126 (2008). The project’s activities helped Farah transform into a safer job packing ready-made clothes in a garment factory while enjoying her right to work 6 hours a day with an hour break.

Farah wanted to return to school in addition to her work, and she was re-enrolled in school, where the school’s psychosocial specialist followed her progress. Recently, Farah was elected by her colleagues as a member of the elected committee, where she started to represent herself and her peers in front of the concerned entities in pressing issues such as workforce officials, occupational safety, and health officials.
Written by Michael El Daba, Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS)
Mission Partners in Egypt
- Bishopric for Public, Ecumenical, and Social Services
- Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services
- Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East
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