Pray with the United Kingdom, February 6, 2022
Lectionary Selection: Luke 5:1-11
Prayers for the United Kingdom
Dear God,
Thank you for giving us every new day as an opportunity to share your love with the people around us. Guide our hands as we mold the young minds that will someday become in charge of our future. We pray for all the lives that have been negatively impacted by the COVID virus and variants. Help us to have faith in you and your plan even when we feel isolated. Cast out your net and draw near the people who are hurting from physical as well as mental illnesses and help them to remember that they are not alone. We would like to pray for the girls of St. Swithuns as they navigate growing up in such uncertain times away from their families. We are grateful that through Global Ministries we are able to offer them love and pastoral care as they face anxiety, depression, body dysmorphia, and the pressure that has been a result of the current unstable social and political environments.
Mission Stewardship Moment from the United Kingdom
This fall, it was my privilege to be able to introduce some of the girls of St. Swithuns to the joy of the Thanksgiving holiday that we celebrate every year in the US. St. Swithun’s School in Winchester, England, is a girls’ boarding school whose mission statement is “to help our girls to develop into strong, independent women whose behavior and values reflect the school’s founding virtues: caritas, humilitas and sinceritas (compassion, humility, and sincerity).” Many of the girls that I work with come from countries like Nigeria all the way to China so they had never heard of Thanksgiving. It was so heartwarming to be able to share what everyone is thankful for and to be able to gather together and share a meal like a family. This is extra special right now when so many of our girls are physically cut off from their families. It is because of the donations from our partners at Global Ministries that we are able to provide these girls with culturally enriching experiences like this one. Your gifts make it possible for me to serve the girls of St. Swithuns as a mentor and provide them comfort and pastoral care in their times of need.
Prayer and Mission Moment by Erinn Miller
Mission Partners in the United Kingdom
Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in the United Kingdom:
Erinn Miller is appointed to serve at St. Swithun’s school in England through Time for God, a partner of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ through Global Ministries.
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