Pray with Zambia, February 16, 2025
Lectionary Selection: Luke 13: 31-35
Prayers for Zambia

Our God and Father, we thank you for protecting your servants in the mission field and for being ever-present as they do the work of service. Protect your servants in different parts of the world as they make disciples of all nations.
We pray that you help your servants remain steadfast in doing your work despite what they might see and hear. Help your servants be patient with those who resist your word. Help your servants be firm and bold as they carry out your work. When the political and spiritual landscape is not favourable, help your servants be strong.
Help your servants minister where there is need and not only where they are comfortable. Help us meet people’s needs holistically.

Thank you, our heavenly Father, for your care and love, for you seek and gather us. Like a hen protects its chicks, grant your people the sense of your presence, protection, and safety when they are being silenced and feel insecure and threatened. Protect them from being discouraged due to fear induced in them. Under your wings, we are assured of your protection.
Help your Church have faith in you that our lives, work, and death will not be determined by those who oppose the church. Our lives are planned and directed by you, and your mission will unfold in your time and according to your plan.
We pray all this with thanksgiving in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. AMEN.
Mission Moment from Zambia

In a small, arid valley village of Gwembe District in Zambia, Africa, Agness Siamambo (41 years old), a mother of three, struggled to provide adequate water for her family. Their closest water point, about a kilometer away, had dried up. Through the Council of Churches in Zambia’s (CCZ) partnership with Global Ministries that supported the rehabilitation of the unfunctional borehole, hope once again flowed in Agness. The impact was immediate. Agness and her fellow community members no longer had to endure the exhausting long walks every single day in search of clean and adequate water as they had for over two years now. The partnership not only provided a sustainable water source but also opened the door for awareness of climate-smart agriculture and water resilience and sanitation.

The collaboration between CCZ and Global Ministries goes beyond a donation, it is a lifeline signifying the power in partnerships of good hope and custodianship. It’s also a powerful reminder that when communities work together, irrespective of geographical location or denomination, they can change lives. Agness’s story is one of many showing CCZ’s shared commitment to being a torchbearer of hope, justice, and compassion that transforms societal struggles into stories of hope.
Mission Partners in Zambia
- United Church of Zambia
- Theological Education by Extension in Zambia
- Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation
- Council of Churches in Zambia
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