Pray for Argentina on Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pray for Argentina on Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lectionary Text and Prayers for Argentina: Matthew 25:31-46

God, we thank you for your call to serve the “least of these” as we serve you. We pray today for the ministries of our partners in Argentina as they seek to reach out to the “least of these” in their context. We pray particularly for the work of the Disciples of Christ in the “La Tablada” as they touch the lives of children at risk in that neighborhood. We pray also for the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo as they continue their search for the children that were taken away from their parents during the “dirty war” of the late 1970’s. We pray also for the collaboration that is taking place between the Disciples in Argentina and Paraguay with the possibility of including the Congregational churches in Argentina. Bless these churches as they seek new ways to work together and serve the “least of these” in their communities. Teach us also how to recognize the face of Christ in the brothers and sisters with whom we are in partnership around the globe. Amen

(Prayer by Bob Shebeck)

Global Ministries International Partners in Argentina:

  • Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo
  • Asociacion la Iglesia de Dios
  • Colegio Ward
  • Iglesia Evangelica Congregacional de Argentina
  • Iglesia Evangelica de los Discipulos de Cristo en Argentina
  • Isedet – Instituto Superior Evangelico de Estudios Teologicos
  • Junat Unida de Misiones
  • Movimento Ecumenico por los Derechos Humanos (MEDH)

Global Ministries Missionary in Argentina:

None at the present time