Pray for Cambodia on Sunday August, 17, 2008
Lectionary Text and Prayers for Cambodia: Matthew 15:21-18
Gracious God, we thank you that your grace and mercy is for all people. Please give to us the faith of the Canaanite woman when we have doubts or see limits being put on the all- embracing reach of your love. Today we pray for our brothers and sisters in Cambodia. We thank you for the work of our partners there and ask you to strengthen their faith as they seek to build up their communities and share your love with others. We ask you to bless the leadership of the Kampuchea Christian Council and Church World Service – Cambodia as they discern how to best be church in the country of Cambodia. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
(Prayer by Bob Shebeck)
Global Ministries International Partners in Cambodia:
- Church World Service – Cambodia: Through our partnership with Church World Service, we are helping to support community development projects and schools in remote areas of Cambodia. The schools serve children, many of whom would not otherwise attend school. It is a priority to keep children in school through making the schools fun and relevant for the community. Many of those who leave school end up supporting themselves through crime – a major problem in Cambodia. Human Trafficking is also a risk. Youth who are trafficked usually end up in slave labor situations or are forced into prostitution
- Kampuchea Christian Council: The KCC was formed in 1998 and has joined the Christian Conference of Asia.
Global Ministries Missionary in Cambodia:
None at the present time